Ligustrum Massif is a ground-covering Ligustrum. It does not grow tall (no higher than 1m), and its flat growth fills in the soil with fresh green foliage. This Ligustrum Massif is ideal for filling in public plantings, wide borders, talluds, verges, ... The gracefully overhanging twigs provide good and fast ground cover and suppress weed growth. This Ligustrum MASSIF is a perfect cultivar for public plantings and larger plantings of groundcover shrubs. After all, the ligustrum is also salt-tolerant and tolerates extensive pruning (verge pruning).
Plant height up to 100cm.
General info
Ligustrum is a fresh green shrub, and is very suitable as a hedge or ground-cover application. Ligustrum is a shrub with fresh green foliage throughout spring and summer. Moreover, Ligustrum makes few demands on its location.
The ligustrum has few requirements pertaining to location. It flourishes in a sunny location but also in full shade. Regular addition of fertilizer guarantees beautiful, dark, shining leaves. It is recommended to prune the plant twice per growth season (beginning of April till the end of September). Regular pruning will prevent bloom and fructification, and the shining leaves will be highlighted even more.