Whoever plants Xantippe in their flower beds chooses a well-growing and very luxuriantly flowering rose. The flowers are single and appear in charming clusters. The closed flower bud has a soft pink colour. When it opens, the flower is white with a light purple-pink sheen. The striking yellow stamens contrast harmoniously with the opened flowers. The single flowers have a diameter of approximately 4 cm. The plant grows to a height of 60 to 70 cm. This new rose has a very good resistance to both black spot and mildew. Ideal for gardens and public green spaces!
Plant height up to 70cm.
General info
The Bestselect roses provide a beautiful, strong bloom in your garden, without you having to worry about attacks, aphids or diseases. These varieties are selected for their resistance and therefore only provide you with the advantage of beautiful garden roses.
- 2003 Rome (I) Gold Medal.
Roses love the sun, so pick a spot for your roses where the summer sun will reach them for at least a few hours. Roses thrive in nutrient-rich soil. In spring and summer, you can use an organic fertilizer on your roses. Roses do not mind a dry spell; extra watering tends not to be necessary. Plant the roses at a 40-50 cm distance from each other or from other plants. When planting, place the spot where the stems turn into roots just below the surface, then firmly press the plants into the ground and water. Beautifully flowering roses are achieved by pruning in winter. Prune in February-March, but not when it is freezing. During pruning, remove thin and dead stems, leave just a few strong young stems and cut those down to a length of ±25 cm. In summer, you can encourage a second bloom by cutting off dead flowers.